
Me, what is special about me. Nothing is special about me, everything is special about me. To some I am nobody to others I am somebody important; I can’t say I do anything extraordinary like speak multiple languages but I do my best to remove the language barrier and have a conversation with anyone in my life or just passing through. I can sign some sign language but I’m defiantly no expert.

I aspire to be a good person, not exactly the biggest of dreams or aspirations but that is what I want to be and I will work hard to make the rest follow, like the good job, flashy car etc. money isn’t a huge concern of mine, millions, if not billions are produced and destroyed each day, it comes and goes but things like seeing the people I care about smile and laugh can’t be destroyed, can’t be taken away from me and can’t be spent.

I do however inspire to achieve all my personal goals and that of the team which i work hard to ensure it is done to a high standard. I have to work to a high standard otherwise i am not satisfied and have to try again or keep going.

As a Media Production student and enthusiast I strive to produce work that is not only interesting and appealing but also opens up an audience’s mind and make them feel a specific emotion or series of emotions. I am fascinated by ‘Sound’ and ‘Lighting’ and believe the two create the atmosphere of the scene and draw the audience in whether they know it or not.

I’m interested in many things and there is a lot of things on my bucket list like skydiving, bungee jumping, the usual things you would expect, but there are things uncommon that say something about me, for example I have to adopt at least 5 animals, all being different species, so far I’ve had a dog that has since passed away but died in a warm blanket And toys I bought for them.

I 100% believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and vise-versa meaning i keep active both physically and mentally. I tend to cycle at least 3 times a week

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