Social Morphology in Relation to Physchogeography and Derive

Social Morpholagy

Social morphology With the concept of social morphology Durkheim classified the ‘substratum’ of society according to how human populations are distributed and organized across space. The social substratum will differ according to whether the population is of greater or lesser size and density, whether it is concentrated in towns or scattered over rural areas, according to the way in which towns and houses are constructed, whether the space occupied by a society is more or less extensive, according to the nature of the frontiers which enclose it and the avenues of communication which cross it. (1899: 241) For Durkheim, the ‘facts of social morphology’ always play a ‘preponderant role’ in collective life. Likewise, they must also be a principal factor in sociological explanations. Social morphology allows sociology to throw a bridge between what Durkheim called ‘the fragmentary sciences’ of geography (the science of space) and demography (the science of population) …

Law, Alex. (2011). Key Concepts in Classical Social Theory. London: SAGE Publica6ons Ltd

Social Morphology is the another way you make decisions based on previous experience, if you were walking down the street and were told to go let but when you look let all you see is a run down rough part of town and then you look right and saw a beautful grassy landscape then using social morphology you would choose the right path, because the semiotcs based on memory influenced you too.

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